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Efavirenz (Efavir)


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$ 2.30 $69.00
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$ 2.08 $125.00
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$ 1.67 $150.00
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$ 1.44 $260.00


Buy Efavir

Where to buy efavirenz – Efficient First-Line Medication for Successful Treatment of HIV/AIDS

A non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) Efavirenz has been one of the most frequently prescribed medicines in multidrug HIV treatment regimens for the past 20 years, due to its powerful antiretroviral effect and normally favorable tolerability among HIV patients. It is very popular medicines in the NZ, UK, USA, Australia and rest of the world.

Description of Efavirenz and Its Mode of Action

Efavirenz is a highly effective antiretroviral oral medication that has been in use since 1998 when the FDA first approved it under the brand name Sustiva for treating HIV/AIDS. Efavirenz is a selective non-nucleoside inhibitor of reverse transcriptase, which is the main enzyme that HIV uses to convert its single-stranded RNA into double-stranded DNA inside the host T-cell of a human. Once such conversion has taken place, the viral DNA combines with the chromosome of the host cell and utilizes the cell’s native mechanism of replication for further spread of the infection throughout the body. As a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, Efavirenz works to prevent viral proliferation by attaching to the RT enzyme and suppressing its function before the viral DNA can build itself into the infected host cell’s DNA.

Before you buy efavirenz online, check warnings and precautions connected with a drug use.

Efavirenz is not a self-standing drug; doctors usually prescribe it as part of an extended HIV treatment course in combination with other antiretroviral medications. Today, Efavirenz is also used as one of a few active antiretroviral agents within a single-dose medication like Viraday or its generic counterpart Viraday.

At otc online pharmacy you can buy efavirenz with PayPal, Bitcoin, Echeck and credit card for the cheapest cost. All Aids/ HIV products we sell are manufactured by N1 pharmaceutical company from India called Cipla. Below there is a list of reminding brands manufactured in India:

Possible mild to severe side effects of Efavirenz

If taken regularly, Efavirenz helps prevent further spread of the HIV-1 virus through the body and its transformation into AIDS. By decreasing the total viral load, it also reduces the risk of passing the disease on to others. However, it does not completely cure HIV or kill the already infected T-cells, so to stop the virus from spreading and attacking the immune system, HIV patients must strictly adhere to their treatment plan and never skip taking the medication or change the dosage suggested by their doctor.

Although this medication has pronounced antiretroviral efficacy as both the first-line and alternative HIV therapy, more and more doctors and researchers express their concerns about its possible adverse effects that, in some cases, can cancel out the benefits of taking Efavirenz. Among the most commonly reported effects of Efavirenz, there are:

  • mood alterations
  • extreme agitation

  • faintness
  • skin rash
  • having trouble sleeping at night or feeling drowsy during the day
  • unusually vivid or frightening dreams
  • having trouble with concentration

These can show themselves 1 or 2 days into treatment with Efavirenz; however, they usually tend to disappear after 3-4 weeks of taking the medication. The HIV patient can also help to alleviate some of these symptoms by working out an effective daily drug administration routine. For example, taking the drug before bedtime on an empty stomach and avoiding alcohol can greatly ease the manifestation of the above-mentioned side effects.

Less common and more worrying adverse reactions of taking Efavirenz include:

  • persistent fatigue
  • migraines
  • nausea followed by frequent vomiting
  • diarrhea

If the patient experiences one or a few of these symptoms for a longer-than-anticipated period, they should consult their doctor as to the possibility of alteration or discontinuation of the treatment. HIV patients must never change the dosage or stop taking Efavirenz at their discretion without seeking their doctor’s approval first. Non-compliance with the doctor-prescribed drug regimen can lead to an increase in the total viral load, worsen the symptoms, and make the disease more resistant to treatment with this class of medications.

Finally, if HIV patients taking Efavirenz start feeling some more severe symptoms, they should contact their doctor immediately and get medical help without any delay. Such rare but dangerous symptoms include:

  • rapid and unexplained loss of weight
  • muscular aches and fatigue
  • painful joints
  • abnormal vision
  • fainting
  • enlargement of lymph nodes
  • labored respiration
  • heartbeat irregularities
  • signs of liver problems (yellowing of the eyes and skin, dark urine, stomach aches, vomiting)
  • psychiatric reactions (depression, self-injurious or suicidal thoughts, hallucinations, psychosis)

Only your doctor can make an informed decision about whether or not it is safe for you to continue taking Efavirenz. Do not make any such decisions on your own.


What is Efavir appropriate dosage and what is the price?

Unless prescribed differently by your doctor, the recommended daily dosage of Efavirenz amounts to 600mg for adult patients. This antiretroviral medication is taken orally as a single piece with a glass of water, preferably on an empty stomach to prevent any adverse reactions. Patients should try to take the drug at the same time every day, bedtime being the best choice.

If you scroll this page above you will find Efavir 600mg tablet price list for different variations of the drug quantity. You can find average efavir cost is around 60$ for 30-pill-bottle.

In case a patient misses their Efavir administration time, he or she should take the drug as soon as they remember about it, but not if it is almost time to take the next dose. They should not take a double dose of Efavirenz to make up for the missed one, nor change the dosage for any other reason without their doctor’s approval.

It is possible to require efavirenz wholesale price through our contact page. Please note that various payment options are available at our store. You can buy efavirenz wih either credit card paypal or bitcoin (btc) or ethereum (eth). We offer free shipping for efavirenz orders.


Possible Interactions of Efavirenz with Other Drugs and Supplements

Before buying efavirenz with credit card, PayPal or other options it is imortant to research drug interations. Efavirenz interacts with a wide range of other medications changing the way they work or increasing the risk of adverse side effects. This is why your doctor must be made aware of any meds, both Rx and OTC, or herbal supplements you are taking before he prescribes Efavirenz. It is solely and exclusively up to your doctor to decide whether you can combine these medications with Efavirenz, or you need to replace these meds with something else, or even stop taking them altogether.

The following list does not comprise every possible drug interaction of Efavirenz, so make sure you provide your doctor with all necessary and relevant information before he starts you on Efavirenz.

Some drugs that can interact with Efavirenz include:

  • certain combination drugs, which are used to treat chronic hepatitis С, such as ombitasvir, ritonavir, dasabuvir, orlistat can cause severe hepatic injury
  • certain drugs for treating seizures like carbamazepine, phenobarbital, rifampin can affect the ability of your body to remove Efavirenz
  • Efavirenz can expedite the removal of some meds from the body, such as proguanil, bedaquiline, warfarin, certain macrolide antibiotics, some anti-fungal agents, some cholesterol-lowering statins, etc.
  • St. John’s wort reduces the levels of Efavirenz concentration in the blood leading to the loss of its therapeutic effectiveness
  • other antiretroviral drugs (including efavirenz-containing meds) can interact with it
  • Efavirenz can decrease the efficacy of hormonal birth control methods

Also, inform your doctor of any antihistamines, muscle relaxants, narcotic analgesics, or anti-anxiety drugs that you are taking. Their combination with Efavirenz can cause greater drowsiness and loss of concentration.

The effect of Efavirenz on pregnant or breastfeeding women has not been studied comprehensively. The available data suggest that the cases of birth defects in newborns are rare and amount to about 2.8% of all live births given by women who took this drug in their first trimester of pregnancy. Because of the possibility of HIV being transmitted from the mother to the baby through breastmilk, HIV-positive women are always advised to refrain from breastfeeding, so the drug’s effect in this regard is unknown.