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Buy Tenofovir

What Is Tenofovir and where to buy Tenvir EM?

Tenofovir, retailed under the brand name Tenvir EM made by Cipla, is a capable antiretroviral Rx drug intended for the treatment of HIV infection and hepatitis B virus. Doctors usually prescribe this oral medication alongside other ARVs as part of a more comprehensive HIV therapy regimen. Tenofovir is also used in double- or triple-drug fixed-dose combination medications such as Truvada (tenofovir + emtricitabine), Complera (tenofovir+ emtricitabine + rilpivirine), Atripla (tenofovir + emtricitabine + efavirenz), and their generics. Tenvir-EM tenofovir cannot cure human immunodeficiency virus completely or restore the already-infected immune cells, but it can reduce the total amount of HIV in the body, make it less likely to be transmissible to others, and improve the overall quality of life of the patient. One can buy Tenvir EM at last price pharmacy and get high quality medicine manufactured by N1 manufacturer – Cipla.

How Does Tenvir EM Work to Treat HIV and HBV?

The Tenvir EM ARV medication belongs to the class of nucleotide analog reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NtRTIs) that target the HIV’s main construction material – the reverse transcriptase enzyme – and prevent it from correctly copying the viral single-stranded RNA into double-stranded DNA. Without completed DNA, HIV cannot continue to corrupt CD4+ T-cells of a human body or use their replication apparatus to multiply and spread further. The virus’s inability to reproduce leads to a reduction in the total viral load and helps the immune system of an HIV-positive person to grow stronger and become capable of rebuffing various opportunistic infections and bacteria that would otherwise cause a lot of damage to the person’s health.

When taken for treating chronic hepatitis B, Tenofovir works in precisely the same manner: it suppresses the reverse transcriptase enzyme, stops the viral RNA from converting into DNA, and does not let the virus advance to the patient’s liver and induce inflammation or damage.

Tenvir EM Dosage and tablet price

Tenofovir, or tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, is dispensed as tablets or powder; both are meant to be taken by mouth with some water, advisably on an empty stomach. Before you buy tenofovir it is recommended to consult your doc. Only your doctor can determine the correct dosage, form, and administration regimen of Tenvir EM with consideration to your age, type and severity of the condition, possible concurrent conditions, tolerability profile, etc.

As oral tablets, tenofovir-comprising Viread and Vemlidy are available in a range of strengths from 150 mg to 300 mg. The usually ordered dosage of over the counter Tenofovir for treating HIV-1 or chronic hepatitis B in adult patients is 300 mg taken once every day.

For children under the age of 12 and elderly patients over the age of 65, the dosage of tableted and powdered forms of Tenofovir is to be adjusted individually.

HIV-positive patients who suffer from kidney problems might also require lower doses of Tenofovir because of decreased kidney function. If kidneys fail to remove Tenofovir, the levels of the drug in your bloodstream might rise exponentially, intoxicating the body and causing dangerous adverse reactions.

While Tenofovir is usually well tolerated by HIV patients, it can cause some aggravation of hepatitis B in patients who have stopped taking their anti-hepatitis B medications containing Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. Doctors need to carefully monitor HBV patients’ liver function for a few months following such withdrawal.

The cost of Tenvir EM tablet varies depending on quality. Check Tenvir EM pricing table above and find out suitable pack of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. If you wish to order Tenvir EM wholesale, please contact our support team. You can order it from the USA, UK, Australia using credit card, paypal and Bitcoin.

Mild and Adverse Side Effects of Tenofovir

In addition to producing the desired action, Tenofovir has a wide array of side effects, some of which might be dangerous if they get overlooked. The most frequent side effects of otc Tenvir-EM Tenofovir include:

  • skin rash
  • stomach upset
  • headaches
  • sickness in the stomach and vomiting
  • difficulty sleeping
  • fatigue
  • depression

HBV patients taking Tenvir EM often reported such symptoms as stomach pains, nausea, sleeplessness, nasal itching, and mild fever.

These symptoms are considered to be non-life-threatening and usually tend to disappear a few weeks after the patient starts taking Tenofovir. However, if any of these symptoms continue or aggravate after a while, a doctor’s consultation is advised.

Among the less typical but more severe side effects of taking Tenofovir, there are:

  • pains or tightness in the chest
  • labored respiration
  • quick, shallow breathing
  • extreme weight loss
  • muscle cramps
  • severe and persistent dyspepsia
  • liver enlargement signs
  • swollen lymph nodes

If an HIV-positive person taking Cipla Tenofovir starts experiencing any of these symptoms, he or she should seek urgent medical attention.